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Customer Voice Online review solicitation allowed for Alberta Dentists?

Amin Ahmed
12 Points
Posts: 3
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Joined: 3 years ago

I have a dental client in Alberta who is reluctant to use Customer Voice to collect reviews. They think that the Dental Association's rules don't allow for soliciting testimonials / reviews especially on Google. Does anyone have insight into this?

6 Replies
Michele Kerr
323 Points
Posts: 5
Joined: 4 years ago

Hi Amin!

Following the Personal Information Protection Act (PIPA) of Alberta, the business would have to have their patients sign a consent form notifying them that their email address will be used to contact them to provide a review and that the business is allowed to use their name and email address to request that said review. This would then allow the business to send out the review requests.

This information can be found under the collection with consent and notice here:

They, of course, may reach out to the Dental Association as well if any additional information for clarification was needed.

Hope that helps!

Amin Ahmed
12 Points
Posts: 3
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Joined: 3 years ago

Thanks Michele. I appreciate the feedback 🙂 The main concern for me is that the Alberta Dental Association has fined dental clinics for having testimonials on their website.

Michele Kerr
323 Points
Posts: 5
Joined: 4 years ago


Completely understandable! In this case, I would suggest the business contacting the Alberta Dental Association with their intent and parameters they are going to follow to ensure there are no ramifications.

Amin Ahmed
12 Points
Posts: 3
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Joined: 3 years ago

Will do. Thanks again!

Michele Kerr
323 Points
Posts: 5
Joined: 4 years ago

The team is always here to help out! ?

418 Points
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You will find that a lot of the health care professions have a lot of restrictions as to what they can or cannot do in regards to marketing. As mention above go to the Dental Association and request their advertising guidelines. Then you will discover what I have said for years. Nothing neuters marketing better than compliance.