Leads are valuable. They are potential clients which means potential revenue for your business. Overall, leads are a major opportunity.
Now that you have brought in a lead through a networking event or a Facebook campaign or maybe even through a referral, you want to keep your agency top of mind. So what’s your plan?
Here are some ideas:
You’re going to want to add them to the platform. There are a few reasons why you will want to do this. Creating an account will also create a customer-facing Business App which will be where your prospect can log in to see how professional your services are. This account will also connect to Sales & Success Center which is the CRM (customer relationship management) system so you have the ability to track what kinds of activities the prospect has been up to and you can keep log of any communication you have with them. Interested to learn more about what the steps are to create an account? Here’s the perfect article to show you how.
Set the account up on an email campaign. This will help nurture the lead by giving them additional information, piquing their interest with solutions you have to solve their problems, and of course providing them with value! The Recommended Campaigns section of Marketing > Customer Acquisition will be a good place to start. Email campaigns are perfect for keeping attention! Remember, frequency is important. Learn how to send out email campaigns here! Oh, and don’t forget about email marketing best practices → 10-Step Email Marketing Checklist.
Engage with leads that engage with you. If you don’t do something about their engagement, they will forget you. You’re going to want to send them a personalized email or give them a call so that you can provide them with tools to use like the Snapshot Report and the Local Business Online Toolkit. Build up your credibility by continuously providing value.
Once you do this a few times, you’ll start to develop a process for nurturing leads that you can rinse and repeat to improve conversion. As you’re doing this, remember that people like to feel special. Put in an effort when you’re reaching out to these leads because that will help you to set yourself apart. The other key suggestion to follow is to avoid making the whole process feel like a big sales pitch. Make the lead feel understood and cared about. I guarantee you’ll get a lot further.
Other questions about nurturing leads? Check out the TOFU, MOFU, BOFU blog I wrote!
Adding to this great post by Alayna, we have another essential piece in the Sales and Success Center dashboard and this page is an overarching or high-level overview of client engagement but before we get there, I would like to add some more on Alayna’s well-written piece here, SSC is a great place to track hot leads like flames icons and I love visuals, I’m sure you do too, tracking these hot prospects are very helpful with these special icons, we have a manual in our resource center called Hotness Rating
Coming back to the Client Engagement Page, it is the Analytics tab, so if you click on the Sales tab in the Partner Center and click into “Open Sales Center” and choose Accounts, from the drop-down, you would need to get into Analytics
On this page, you will see a list of accounts assigned to you, and if you remove the sales person’s assignee filter, you are going to get access to all of the accounts across the partner center assigned to every salesperson, this is where you get to see client activity at a quick glance, keep in mind that it has a lot of columns and activity names, I personally recommended to uncheck and set the page to see the filters that really would be useful for you to track engagement, for instance, you can certainly get rid of country, city, state, etc and some of the significant tabs to keep would be, ‘store views’, ‘Executive Report views’, ‘Business profile updates’, ‘upgrade pop up views’, ‘connected Facebook’, ‘connected google my business’ and ‘Days users logged in’
Tracking these numbers would also give you an idea of how active or inactive a client is, regardless, this report should give you a solid understanding of your customers and help you or the salesperson to reach out to them and follow up, to learn more about this piece in the dashboard, we have a guide and it’s Account Analytics