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Sales & Success Center whitelabel products showing reseller information in Sales & Success Center

296 Points
Posts: 19
Topic starter
Joined: 3 years ago

I have whitelabled the Alpha SEO and Boostability products inside my partner center, however the reseller information still shows in the Sales & Success Center when signed in as a salesperson. 

chrome x2ubohDdZk

Is it possible to set this as the whitelabel name and icon for salespeople signed in to Sales & Success Center? 


2 Replies
134 Points
Posts: 6
Joined: 3 years ago


1410 Points
Posts: 44
Joined: 4 years ago

Hi Bronson - I have flagged this issue with the development team. However, please note that at this time, once you click on the product, the marketing material itself is not white-labeled.