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Marketing Services Video Marketing! Ready to "Conquer Video" ? ? ?

931 Points
Posts: 7
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Joined: 2 years ago

Have you ever wondered how you as a Digital Marketing Agency can instantly stop outsourcing Video Marketing Services, add on your own video service, create recurring revenue, and have a client for life?

Learn how to create recurring video marketing packages your clients will love and need to see quick results with a video strategy in this step-by-step course.

→  Learn to leverage the #2 global search engine, YouTube, to cross-sell and upsell into new service offerings.
→  Explore how to generate Video SEO and Video Topics to get your clients’ results with video.
→  Understand how to pitch and sell your video marketing service offering to get greater client retention and longevity.

4 Replies
931 Points
Posts: 7
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Joined: 2 years ago

Be sure to drop your questions in here!

106 Points
Posts: 2
Joined: 4 years ago

Do you have the calendly set up questions prepared for download?

1 Reply
Joined: 2 years ago

931 Points
Posts: 7

@steve_liebroder Actually you can attend my live webinar for only Vendasta partners which I do every 2nd Wednesday of the month. Or you can join my free video marketing mastermind group called Video Marketing Ninjas here:

106 Points
Posts: 2
Joined: 4 years ago

I'm in the mastermind group and attend the live webinar when possible.