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How to talk about the Local Online Business Toolkit!

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Posts: 9
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Joined: 4 years ago

The Local Online Business Toolkit or Toolkit for short is an amazing tool that you all have available to you! Now in case, you’re unsure of what that is please refer to an early discussion post made by Ben Thomas called “Freemium, yep and you have it!”. Now in Ben's post, he talks about the toolkit and what is all included in it, he does a really great job breaking down the reason why you would want to offer clients the toolkit. In this post we are going to talk about how to present it with a white labeled slide deck I will include at the end. If you have spent some time going through the Street Level Sales Deck you will see some similarities, the biggest one being the Customer Journey. At the start of the presentation, it talks about the change in sales, About how the focus isn’t so much on the sale-focused side itself (the Classic A, B, C of sales or always being closing). Rather nowadays as a business owner you need to focus on the three C’s, always be communicating value to the clients, always be in control of what people see about your business, and lastly always being able to close.

As we move through the deck we will run through the customer journey. If you don't recall what the journey looks like it typically starts with Awareness > Findability > Reputation > Conversion > Advocacy. Now the great thing about this is each of the tools in the toolkit directly correlates with the customer journey. Social Posting & Ad intel play into the awareness piece, Listing Builder ties into findability, Reputation is reputation Management Express, Conversion is Website Express, and lastly, advocacy is Customer Voice Express.

As you go through the deck there will be an opportunity for you to demo the toolkit for your clients. Now if you haven't already, this would be a good time to go and create yourself an account and activate the toolkit for yourself, that way you can get familiar with them and use yourself as a case study!