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Custom fields + Merge tags / Dynamic fields

98 Points
Posts: 55
Topic starter
Joined: 4 years ago

This is a feature request but I am not sure where to post those, so check this out and please let me know what you think.


Somewhere under the Admin tab in partner center, we need the ability to add custom fields that will be shown on our accounts. We need basic field control like short text, number only, date, dropdown, radio buttons and the ability to name the field


These fields should show up under the accounts by navigating to an account, hitting edit account, click the Administration tab, and there in the admin area we will see all of the account wide custom fields with blank fields that we can add data to and save.


Ideally we would also have API access to these to GET and PUT data in these fields 😛


Last thing, is that the field name should be able to be referenced in any internal Vendasta task or note by using whatever annotation, curly brackets {}, square [], whatever, doesn't matter, but if the end result is that we can write a task description or an email alike and add this "merge tag/dynamic field" and reference the account's custom field... then we are golden ladies & gentlemen

? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? 


2 Replies
Thomas Mueller
215 Points
Posts: 78
Joined: 4 years ago

I can only agree that this would be an absolute great feature for all of us. We have asked for such already. If you look at Zoho CRM for example, they have made it super easy to add custom fields and show them on pages etc. That is something I really would appreciate to have here as well.

98 Points
Posts: 55
Topic starter
Joined: 4 years ago

It's an inevitible feature - sooner the better 🙂Â