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Social engagement

191 Points
Posts: 8
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Joined: 3 years ago

Some things Vendasta does to engage our audiences is through valuable content where we provide exposure to local businesses and community brands. We engage our audience by asking them their opinions and thoughts. We often are sharing accomplishments, employees' personal stories, and current events. Sometimes even highlighting important events that are going on in our community, country, or world.


What approaches does your company use to engage and captivate your audience? ? 

2 Replies
309 Points
Posts: 11
Joined: 3 years ago

Great tactics! I've seen some brands I follow do text-based carousels, and I always find myself flipping through them. Another tactic I've seen is having part of the next photo / slide visible on the previous -- makes you more likely to scroll.

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Joined: 3 years ago

191 Points
Posts: 8

@Nykea Great share and very interesting! Might have to try this one out?