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Marketing Services Perplexed with online sign-ups

James Lantiegne
8 Points
Posts: 2
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Joined: 4 years ago

We have been doing digital marketing since 2009. A year ago we signed up with Vendasta to offer our customers a DIY choice. We created a website and placed a sign-up widget on the top of the page. We have run Google Ads and Facebook Ads to draw people to our site. We had over 3,000 visitors. They spent an average of six and a half minutes on our site. Our bounce rate is less than 10%. According to these stats you would think that we had a huge amount of success. We had zero people complete the form. Out of three thousand visitors not one person decided that heck, I'll complete the form for a 30-day trial. We have tried all sorts of gimmicks and still zero.

So here is my question to the community. Has anyone experienced similar results and have devised a method that they are willing to share to over come it. I know technically we are all competing against one another, but with the millions of small business out there, I am hoping there is room for some friendly advice. We are truly perplexed and have run out of creative ways to get people engaged with the sign-up.

We appreciate any feedback someone is willing to share.

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17 Points
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Hi, I'm new as you, I just had a quick review of your website, and my recommendation would be: make it simpler, there is too much text and too many links were to go on the homepage, people could be getting lost, hope this comment can be helpful for you 🙂

779 Points
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Hey, James! I'm getting an error when trying "".

I'm just as curious as you are on this subject- can you please link your website in a response?

1 Reply
James Lantiegne
Joined: 4 years ago

8 Points
Posts: 2
779 Points
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Alright, I'm back. Just checked out your website and I'm a huge fan, especially that landing video ? it immediately grabs my attention. I have a couple ideas:

1. Have you ran a test sign-up to see if the form fill-outs are going through properly on the backend?

2. Try making the testimonials pop more and personalize them. Include a picture of the individual if possible and have these testimonials on the same horizontal as the sign-up sheet or before it. If testimonials are after the sign-up, you haven't gained my trust before asking me to commit.

3. Some overprocessing with the offer. There are 5 spots where you're guiding attention to the limited-time offer. This can deter sign-ups because we start to think "hmmm, if it's that good, why does it need to be promoted so much?". Having the copy more specific services-oriented with the sign-up as a treat afterward might create a nice funnel.

4. The "benefits of signing up" is great! Again, try make it pop a bit more. You could use visual icons or pictures and use strong hooks for each service. i.e. "Social Marketing - we post on all your socials for you, so you can focus on what you do best". This is easier to understand than "instantly grading your presence online" etc. This can also instantly touch a pain point for clients- generating interest towards that 30-day trial.

Overall, you could try describing some specific services that your clients would care about most. Have strong, concise hooks on these services showcased on the landing page before the sign-up. Try and avoid over-processing. Establishing more trust and touching a pain point, developing that emotional connection, before the sign-up sheet might just do it.

You don't have to use any of these but if you think one might be beneficial that's great!

Best of luck to you and your team, James.