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Sales & Success Center Orders - Can we add the "Order Total" in Column View?




Topic starter

Hi! I'd like to submit a feature request. 

In the Orders section, can we add "Order Total" to the columns? 

I find myself constantly clicking through multiple orders trying to find information. There really needs to be additional identifying information in the columns. The client's name is not enough. I have several orders from the same clients, so it becomes very time-consuming clicking through all these orders and trying to find details. 

This is something very minor that would make a big difference and save users a lot of time. 

Thanks for considering!

Screen Shot 2022 09 05 at 9.37.35 AM


1 Answer


Thank you very much for this feedback @businesshonchos. We are currently working on surfacing more information to prevent you from having to click through multiple orders to find the information you need.

I'm happy to have a chat with you at your convenience to explore the problems you're trying to solve, can you setup a short meeting through  this link 0"> ? Looking forward to talking to you.