As online privacy becomes more important to a growing number of people in the world, more are taking the initiative to switch to a private search engine. Duck Duck Go is leading the way and already represents close to 3% of search volume in the USA. They are also developing their own browser set to be released soon. At what search volume will Vendasta look at integrating Duck Duck Go as you have Google (and Google My Business)? Better to be ahead of the curve than trying to catch up.
Hey @steve630, it doesn't appear that DDG has a search API, or makes any data publicly available, the same way Google does. I agree, it would be great allow a business to 'connect' their Executive Report to DDG, or to see SEO or 'Search Console' style analytics in the report, but as far as I can tell, DDG does not provide this.
This makes sense actually, with DDG's business model, because they promise complete privacy, and therefore they probably don't even track the data in the first place.
Let me know if you have another use case in mind, tho!
It was really more about being able to push information to their "DDG My Business" listing. They have the similar function to Google where businesses are shown on a map, but I'm not certain how it is generated and how/if a business can submit information to it.