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Use Your Store for Lead Generation

291 Points
Posts: 13
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Joined: 4 years ago

Are you missing out on a great source of leads? Your store! Here are three steps to help you set your store up for success:

1) Create Accessible Packages. (Marketplace > Manage Store) When bundling products into packages, you can set the purchase button behaviour. For packages that are Do-It-Yourself, I absolutely recommend using the “Add to Cart” functionality. You remove barriers by allowing your customers to create an account and buy what they need, all without speaking with a salesperson. For more expensive, creative, or long term solutions (think websites), I recommend setting the button to “Contact Form” so your salespeople can set expectations with your prospect, ensure that the solution they inquired about best suits their needs, and vet them to ensure they’re the kind of client you’d like to work with.

2) Create Custom Products. (Marketplace > Open Vendor Center) I recommend setting up custom products for services like consultation or marketing strategy sessions. I’ve seen many successful agencies bundle a customized Snapshot Report with a 30 minute consultation session and Local Business Online Toolkit! There are lots of options to help you serve your clients, but also keep your efforts scalable. If you are spending time on your clients, you should be charging for it.

3) Utilize Custom Categories. (Marketplace > Manage Store > Store Settings) When a potential prospect browses your store, are they landing on the “All” tab and immediately getting overwhelmed by your entire selection of packages? Your store is categorized by default into the different types of solutions (advertising, reputation, social, etc) which is great for people who know exactly what they need. However, your customers may be browsing in a different way. You can organize your packages by tier for the customer who browses by budget. You can organize your packages by level of management from Do-It-Yourself, to Do-It-With-Me, to fully managed solutions. When you create a section of your store specifically for consultation sessions, free tools, and reporting, you open the door for your prospects to communicate with you. Carefully consider if your store categories encourage shoppers, or push them away.

Lastly, to ensure these three tips are successful, be sure to assign a salesperson to your store! You can do this under Marketplace > Manage Store > Store Settings. If you don’t complete this step, prospects will not be able to express interest in your products and you could miss out on hot leads.

2 Replies
236 Points
Posts: 3
Joined: 4 years ago

This is so amazing. Thank you!

Posts: 0
Joined: 55 years ago

Good ideas. Thanks for sharing @ksalmerssupport-websitepro-hosting .