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Sms marketing

Shawn Christopher
70 Points
Posts: 6
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Joined: 4 years ago

Looking for any experts around here who use SMS marketing for client acquisition instead of Email. Would love to here your story & how you you were able to crush it via text. Hope everyone has a great one & stays blessed!

6 Replies
Shawn Hodgson
101 Points
Posts: 17
Joined: 4 years ago

I like to text "You up?"

Just kidding. I'm following this thread as I'd like to know as well.

113 Points
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@Erica Chessall recently published a blog related to SMS for business:

But I love your idea Shawn of exploring it from an acquisition perspective - It's something I'll dig into on the Vendasta blog in the coming weeks - stay tuned!

9 Points
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All I know is I get a 100 per day and am sick of it!

The sooner the Gov does something about the better.

But I think used correctly with a mix including funnels, will work once invited!

84 Points
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Getting a demo of Trumpia for one of my clients. Will report back.

Shawn Christopher
70 Points
Posts: 6
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Joined: 4 years ago

Right on Mike. Keep us updated! Thanks a lot!

152 Points
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Came off a demo with the Rake team and it has a great integration with Twilio in addition to FB Messenger, website chat, and soon to be GMB messenger. Powerful.