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How to Generate Leads

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Probably the biggest challenge that all marketing agencies face today is how to generate leads. I recently came across an interesting strategy called the Lighthouse Client strategy from Dennis Yu. It talks about how agencies must hone in on their niche and find their primary customer (a lighthouse).

Vendasta Blog – 4 Mar 20

Eureka! How to Generate Leads Using the Lighthouse Client Strategy

Renowned marketing expert, Dennis Yu, tells us how marketing agencies can solve their lead generation problem by adopting the Lighthouse Client strategy.

I would be interested in finding out other cool tactics as well. Anyone have any interesting tips?

5 Replies
Jenni Lawrence
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Great article Ankur! Love Dennis’ approach of WHY, HOW, and WHAT. The same sort of approach can be used for written content as well. We tend to refer to it as TOFU, MOFU, and BOFU (top, middle, and bottom of the sales funnel). It’s important to align any CTAs in your content with the stage of the funnel you are writing for. For example, if you’re writing a TOFU piece, a CTA calling to sign up for a demo of your product isn’t a great fit. Guide your reader through the funnel, and use well-placed CTAs in your BOFU content to drive leads.

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That’s a great point @Jenni.

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Thanks for sharing this, @AnkurP! Also, great points @Jenni! Always important to keep in mind what stage of the funnel or customer journey your prospects are in! Making sure your marketing strategies align with the intent of your prospects can make the biggest difference! Another thing to keep in mind when developing content or email campaigns is to think about the relevancy of it! Value + relevancy = conversions! Provide valuable information, research and insights to your prospects but also make it relevant to how you can help based on what they’re looking for.

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Completely agree, @RiniPshebylo. Love the value, relevancy, conversions formula. It’s so apt.

Just echoing your point about research and insights, I believe, in addition to those, data is also of the utmost importance. A blog/email/campaign that has impeccable insights with robust data to back it up will go miles further when it comes to increasing conversions!

Jenni Lawrence
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100% agree that making sure marketing strategies align with the intent of your prospects is so important. If sales is complaining about lead quality or quantity, it’s definitely time for some sales and marketing alignment.