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Difficult Conversations?

191 Points
Posts: 8
Topic starter
Joined: 3 years ago

We have all experienced difficult conversations with family, friends, co-workers, partners, or strangers. It is awkward and uncomfortable for both parties, but there are ways to work around those situations. Here are some tips I have used to help:

1. See the person as a person - when we are disagreeing with someone, we are so caught up with our emotions it's easy to forget they are human. You are probably wondering “How is this going to help solve the issue?” Well, it won't help solve the issue, but it will help control the intensity and possibly lead to a compromise.
2. Don't bring everything up - when someone feels as if they are the problem they like to bring up something the other person has done to take the blame off themselves. And that cycle just continues and nothing gets solved. INSTEAD?try to focus on the current issue at hand and discuss previous problems at another appropriate time.
3. Avoid being the WINNER - you are probably asking “Why? Everyone wants to be a winner!” but what if both people win? There is no action of being open and gaining insight into the other person's perspective.
4. These boots are made for walking - conversations need mutual respect to flow but if the other person isn't respecting that, you are entitled to walk away and reschedule a meeting.
5. Change takes time - don't try to persuade someone in a single conversation. They need time to reflect, rethink and process the information to their understanding.


What are some things you do when you are in difficult conversations?
