424: Learning from your Misadventures, with Larry Long Jr.

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Misadventures are bound to happen throughout your life; it’s how you react, grow, and help others learn from your experiences.

The passionate Larry Long Jr., Founder and CEO of Larry Long Jr LLC, is this week’s guest on the Conquer Local Podcast. Larry shares how his career started with his dream of being a baseball player in the MLB to scaling sales team and being a keynote speaker. This episode has a bit of everything – we discuss building relationships with your clients, learning from your misadventures and failures, being passionate about what you do, helping your clients succeed, and segmented sales teams. Larry has an infectious personality and speaks in such an engaging manner that you can’t help but smile and laugh with him.

Larry Long Jr is the Founder and CEO of Larry Long Jr LLC, which focuses on sales motivation, inspiration, training & coaching, and the host of the ‘Midweek Midday Motivational Minute.’ He is also Co-Founder and Lead Instructor of The Sales Allies, an online sales training course and supportive community designed to uplift the sales community. Larry is extremely passionate about coaching and helping professionals take their game to the ‘next level.’ As an experienced sales leader with a demonstrated history of success in SaaS sales, Larry brings a unique perspective to the table and understands many of the challenges faced by sales professionals.

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George: Hello everyone. It is another edition of the Conquer Local Podcast. My name is George Leith your host. This week, we have the privilege of bringing you someone who competes with me for energy. First time, well, actually Viveka von Rosen beat me for energy for sure. But I think I’m gonna get beat again if our pre-interview was any indication, you’re about to meet one of the most positive individuals that I have met in a long, long time, and Larry Long Jr. is gonna talk about his career. First in sports and then in sales, software sales, and now he’s married the two, technology and his love for sports. We’re gonna learn from Larry Long Jr., the Director of Sales at Teamworks when we return with this edition of the Conquer Local Podcast.

It’s my pleasure to introduce Mr. Larry Long Jr. all the way from the great state of North Carolina. Larry, thanks for joining us on the Conquer Local Podcast.

Larry: Come on George, I’m happy to be here representing North Cackalacky, as we like to call it down here.

George: One of my favorite states in the union is the beautiful state of North Carolina followed very closely by South Carolina, and Larry and I had the pleasure of meeting a number of weeks back when we realized that we’re kindred spirits in the world of sales. And I’m excited to explore some of the things that you’ve learned in your career. But Larry first, let’s talk a little bit about your background for our listeners here at the Conquer Local podcast.

Where it all Began

Larry: You got it. So, I mean, I’ve been on an adventure, George, and some people would term it a misadventure, but I can tell you we’ve been having fun along the way. Moved around a lot as a youngster, played baseball at the University of Maryland, go Terps! Had to slide that in there, and it’s crazy because my father ran track for the TErps. My sister ran track for the TErps. I played baseball, which makes me the black sheep of the family, literally and figuratively. I know you don’t have video, but when they see it, they’ll get it, “Oh, that’s what he was talking about, black sheep”. But I’ve been on a journey after that, did some IT consulting, realized I wasn’t passionate about it, opened the indoor baseball-softball academy. And when we ran out of cash, I realized sales was a great avenue, and sales leadership was an awesome avenue for me really to take my competitive juices from the baseball diamond into the boardroom.

George: Larry we’ve talked a lot on the Conquer Local podcast about this affinity for people who were involved in individual or team sports to move into the selling arena. Why do you think that there’s such a transition? It’s almost like that transition is easier for individuals.

Larry: Yeah, I mean, there’s a couple reasons. Some people say, oh, athletes are used to keeping score. They’ve got the competitiveness on the inside. They’ve got that internal drive and desire as I like to call it. The one thing that I love, love, love about athletes is the coachability. Because you think about it your whole life, you’ve been getting coached up, and a lot of times coached up pretty hard. I know I’ve had some tough coaches in my day, and it’s one of those things where if you don’t adjust, if you don’t adapt, if you’re not flexible, and able to flex and really figure out the situation, you’re gonna be sitting on the bench. And I don’t know too many people that have fun picking out splinters, and people ask me, “What position did you play?” And I joke, I say, “I was left out. Coach, can I get in?” “No, you’re left out.” I might be a little dude in stature. I’m 5.9 and three quarters, I like the round up to six feet, but I’m big in terms of just internal drive and desire to be the best. And I think that’s one thing that makes athletes just a lot of times awesome, as sales professionals and business professionals. Now, it’s not all of them. I see some athletes that, woo, you need to go and try something different. But a lot of them do have that inside of them.

George: Well, you mentioned off the top that there was adventures and there was misadventures. I heard that and I wanna understand that a little bit more, misadventures. It sounds like I wouldn’t wanna go on one.

The Misadventures 

Larry: Oh, I’ve got two big misadventures. So, the first one I’m working at Accenture doing an IT consulting. I still have that itch. I didn’t get drafted. This was June of 2000, I’m dating myself. You can see the gray hairs, I’m getting older and wiser. My wife said, “Don’t go telling those nice people you’re getting wise, you’re getting older.” But essentially, I still had that itch. So I said, “Hey Accenture, I love y’all, you’re paying me well, but I gotta go to minor league spring training with the Dodgers and the Red Sox. I took a little sabbatical, I said, “Hey, I’ll probably see y’all in about eight months when the season’s over.” Well, fast forward I show up to the Dodgers and they said, “Thank you for coming out, God bless you, and good night. Don’t let the door hit you, where the good Lord split you.” So, I went across Florida to the Red Sox and they said the same thing. So, I took my talents to South Beach. I had some friends that were there on spring break, and let’s just say, I drowned out all my sorrows. I went back to the office with my tail in between my legs and my colleagues said, “Back so soon.” I said, “Well, you see what happened was.” And that’s the start of a good story, when you start off, you see what happened was. The second one was my baseball academy. We tried and we tried, but we had more money going out the back door than we had coming in the front door, and that’s a cash flow problem. We knew our numbers, bad in averages, home runs, stolen bases, but the numbers you really need in business are the income statement, the balance sheet, and statement of cash flows. And when you’re not selling enough to cover your expenses, that’s a big problem.

My parents bailed us out and bailed us out, and then they said, “Hey Larry, hey Jason,” that was my business partner, “You’re not a big bag, you’re not too big to fail. We love you so much,we’re gonna let you shut that thing down.” So, I can remember going to the bank, and I said, “Ooh, I wanna make a withdraw.” And they just laughed at me. They said, “Oh, you can’t make a withdrawal because you haven’t made any deposits.” They shoot me away, shoo fly shoo. So, it’s been a fortuitous, chaotic, a turbulent journey, but we’ve been smiling all the way through, George. I tell you, I still got a smile on my face, just reminiscing about both of those misadventures.

George: Larry, what I find in interviewing folks like you, that obviously have been in business and I’ve had a misadventure, I liked the way that you put that, by the way, this wasn’t yesterday though, this was quite some time ago. And then you realize that your forte was in the sales arena. I’d love to understand what was the moment where you were like, I should just be in sales.

The Start of Sales

Larry: Well, I’ve been selling since I was 10. Come on now George. I’ve been selling my whole life, but when I was 10, my sister was born, and I had asked my parents to give me a twin brother. And they said, “Oh, we can’t do that, but we’ll give you a little baby sister, Tiffany Nicole Long.” I was the only child for 10 years. Now she’s coming and she’s stealing all my attention. So I said, “How can I sell myself?” I had to learn how to tap dance. I had to learn how to tell jokes, so I’ve been selling for about 32 years, but my first business venture was launched by Larry, knocking on doors. Knock knock, who’s there? I was scared out of my mind. My mom said, “What’s the worst they can say to you? No. I said, “Yes.” She said, “Isn’t that bad?” I said, “Yes, it is. I hate when someone tells me no.” She said, “Little boy, you better get on out there and sell some lawn care services.” So, I was selling there, but professionally selling.  Really when the baseball academy closed, I said, “Hey, I need a job. I gotta pay my bills.” There was a company that said, “Make 150 calls a day and call CPAs and accountants and you’ll get a paycheck.” And that’s what I did. And I can tell you that I made 148 calls my second week. My boss said, “Come on in my office.” I thought I was getting a raise. I thought I was getting promoted. He said, “If you don’t make 150 calls, I’m gonna do you like the LA Dodgers did. I’m gonna tell you, don’t let the door hit you where the good Lord split you.” Needless to say, I did not make less than 150 calls after that.

George: What you needed to do is align expectations. That was what he was doing. He was aligning expectations. Larry, it’s pretty easy for our listeners over the last few minutes of meeting, you’d have realized that you have an incredible amount of energy and it is coupled with and that the three times now that you and I have spoken, I’ve noticed there’s a passion there about being positive. Is that something that evolved over a period of time, or is there, again, I’m starting to see a pattern, is there a misadventure that led you to this thing of, I’m just gonna wake up every day and look for the positive side of things?

Larry: Yeah, I’ve always kinda been wired this way, but now it’s more intentional. And really the origins come back from my upbringing, my mother and my father, and especially my father. My father grew up in Baltimore City in the projects. I don’t know if you’ve ever seen the show, The Wire, but that was the neighborhood. Essentially surrounded by drugs, by crime, by violence, only one from his family to graduate high school. They said it shouldn’t have been done, he should have been a statistic, but track, long jump, triple jump, and his nickname was Shorty Long, that was his avenue out. So, he pretty much passed to me it’s our responsibility to take every day and make the most of it. And I lost my father five and a half years ago. And at that point it was really, I was always positive, but I said, I’m gonna be intentionally positive because we all have a choice. And I’m not saying my life is perfect, it’s definitely not. I have down days, I have stuff. Four-letter words, shhhtuff that happens to me, but we all have a choice. And I had a manager, Rick Daley who said, “Make it a great day, it’s your choice.” And it really is. And some people choose to look for the worst. They look for woe is me. Other people as my buddy, James Bab, one of my former sales colleagues, he said, “Hey, in every situation, no matter how good or how bad, you gotta look for the good, the great, and the wonderful.” And if you had that perspective, whoa, come on, George, don’t give me hype up in here, if you have that perspective, life is absolutely phenomenal. As my boy, JJ Walker said, “Dynamite.”

George: I can’t get enough of Larry Long. Like it’s infectious. I wanna understand, we have all the positive side of it. We have the history of how you arrived here, but you ended up selling technology, software as a service, an industry that you and I both are now connected by. And also an industry that didn’t exist before we had App Store before we had this thing called a Cloud, which unfortunately isn’t a cloud actually, the servers are not in a cloud above earth, they’re actually in Council Bluffs, Iowa, and Iceland and places like that. So, this industry is born software as a service, and you and I both know that subscription is the key to that whole thing. And you’re at a tech company, and that’s where you really start to delve into the sales business and the frameworks, and the process and the playbooks, and can I use other buzz words? Tell us about that start when you arrived at this tech company, and you brought that positive attitude and that salesmanship that you’ve had for quite some time. Was it a perfect storm? Because I found when I got into SAS software, it was a bit of a perfect storm for me.

Larry: I would agree. And I’ve been a tech geek my whole life. I remember as a youngster, I had the highlights magazine, and they used to have codding and I had a little Commodore 64, and I was doing basic programming, love this. I’ve been a tech geek my whole life.

George: Let’s write some basic right now. That’s the first time in four and a half years that somebody talked about a software language I can actually write. Thank you, Larry.

Larry: I love it. But essentially, it was a perfect storm, and it was an awesome fit. And I’ll tell you the honest truth. I was not passionate about serving CPAs and accountants. I got to use my fingers to count, but essentially I was passionate about accountants being in a great position to help their small business owners, who I was a failed small business owner. So, I started sharing my testimony and I’m authentically passionate about, I don’t want other small businesses to fail like me. It’s not fun when you can’t pay your bills. It’s not fun when you got to call mom and dad and grandmom, “Hey, can you loan? Can you bail a brother out? Can you loan me some money so that I can buy some groceries?” That’s not fun. And my accountant was in an awesome position to help us, but he didn’t have the technology, and he didn’t have the personality to really be able to communicate, “Hey, your income statement balance sheet and statement of cash flows, this is the story that it’s telling.” And a lot of accountants are like that, “This software that we were providing was helping them.” It’s like wow. And I think some people say software is eating the world. Everywhere you go, I know here you go to the gas station, a gas station called Sheets. They have MTO, Made To Order, you’re not gonna talk to someone to order a sub. You do it straight from the computer program, from the touch screen. You go to the bank, I don’t know the last time I saw a real live bank teller. Now you go in and you’re talking to that computer, boop, boop, boop, boop. So, essentially it’s where it’s at from my perspective, as well as in software being a tech geek, check, being in sales, that competitive desire, as well as that giving mindset. I mean, I’m a go-getter. Like the great philosopher, Young Jeezy, who’s a rapper, he’s got a song called, Go Getta, but I’m also a go-giver, and I think that’s my man Bob Bird talking about being a go-giver. So, being intentional, being proactive, being able to go and give, and give because you wanna help people, you wanna serve people. There’s no better feeling. And I’m in a great place because right now I just transitioned out of tech sales leadership, and now I’ve got the gold mic in my hand, I get to inspire sales professionals, sales leaders, business owners, CEOs, entrepreneurs, you name it. So, I get the best of all worlds.

George: I remember a number of years back when I first started at the company that I’m at today, working in SAS software. And I didn’t really understand all the technology behind what we were delivering, and what I found was, you have to understand it eventually, but what they were really looking for was somebody to interpret how it would impact their business. What was the moment that you got that Larry? That that was your secret sauce, was that you were able to interpret complex things and put it in, because you’re a very passionate storyteller. That’s why we bond so well. I’m just wondering, what was the moment that you realized that.

Larry: It was talking to an accountant, and I don’t remember exactly which one. It definitely wasn’t the one in New York who said, “Hey, Larry,” he got real deep. He said, “Larry, I got something for you.” I thought I was getting a scheduled meeting. I was about to ring the bell. He said, “Go ahead and put on a pair of concrete shoes and jump off a bridge.” I said, “Ooh, they didn’t put that in our manual of how to overcome that objection.” But when I was able to connect with a CPA, and he got what I was saying, and at Accenture doing IT consulting, our job was to take complex solutions. He said, “Boo, boo, boo, stop that.” I didn’t even understand and making it into actual business, tangible, understandable solutions. A sense of the outcomes that people were looking for, and those people were America Online, Verizon, and these were big companies. So when I went to this startup it was pretty much the same thing but just on a smaller, a much smaller scale,  but once again, making sense of this technology, this software, you said it’s in the Cloud, is that a cumulus cloud or?

George: It’s the fluffiest one you can get.

Larry: But essentially being able to translate that, and no parlez vous francais, abla unpoco, des Espanol, is the Argentina, but I do speak a little bit of technology and making that understandable where someone’s guys, they go, ding, that they get it, that’s the name of the game. And that’s remained the same when you’re able to show and paint that picture like you’re Picasso of what life will be like on the other side, and people getting it, that’s that moment where you go, “Ooh.”

TEAMWORKS makes the Dreamworks

George: If Google Larry Long, Jr. we find this company called Teamworks. Tell me about Teamworks and when was it born? And I know this is your baby now, explain to our listeners about Teamworks.

Larry: Teamworks makes the dream work. So, essentially Teamworks is a software company that sells to athletic teams. It’s communication, collaboration, operational efficiency, and now they’re moving into, it’s the name image likeness. It’s essentially the brand building of college athletes to be able to monetize. Before college athletes were amateur, and they were getting paid, but it was underneath the table. Don’t tell nobody else. Now it’s above board, and they’re able to monetize their brand. Let’s say a Marriott wants the exposure from Trevor Lawrence, the top quarterback from Clemson. He can now say, “Hey, I’ll give you a shout-out on my Instagram.” or as the Young Bucks, the Millennial will say, “IG or Da Gram”, let’s say it’s, I’ll promote y’all in exchange for, you gotta give me the loop. So, essentially it’s a software platform really designed to help bring together all aspects of an athletic team. Loved it. It was the trifecta of three things that I love. I love sports. Like I said, played baseball in Maryland. I love software and technology, I’m a tech geek and I love sales leadership. Being able to lead a team, especially of former athletes. For your viewers, you can see I got a baseball bat in my hand, but instead, being able to knock out home runs, ooh, there’s no better feeling, especially when that home run is being able to impact student-athletes to the staffs of these athletic teams, and as the director of Collegiate Sales, that was my bread and butter, but we work with proteins, we work with international federations. It was unbelievable.

George: Well, it definitely it’s your passion and your wheelhouse around sports. It’s great that you arrived at the spot, but I wanna understand the leadership portion. So, you have a sales organization, and did you build this from the beginning? Or did you inherit a team, or when you arrived at Teamworks, what was there?

Larry: I came in and I inherited a team. We had seven inside sales, junior sales professionals. Their goal was to schedule meetings, and then that morphed. As we went on and on, we lowered the count, our headcount on lead gen, and we really made it hybrid. We expected our sellers to manage the top of funnel, the middle funnel, and the end of funnel. So since I ended up managing a team of full-cycle sales reps that were responsible for everything, they had to go out and source their prospects, do the demos, add the value, and close deals. And I can tell you that throughout the pandemic the team stepped up, they stepped up and they showed out at a time when folks needed communication. It’s like, what are you gonna do? Send a carrier pigeon. What are you going to do? Use the old Blackberry, good luck. I need a new trackball. You better go ahead and use these Android and Apple devices to stay in touch, to communicate, to make sure everyone’s on the same page, because if not, it’s gonna be a mess, and no one likes a mess. It starts with communication.

George: One of the reasons I asked that question, was I was hoping that you might be able to share with our listeners, what were some of the tactics that you deployed coming into that team because you change the structure? What you’re talking about is segmented sales. We’ve talked about it a lot on this broadcast, but you move more to a full cycle. Was it because of COVID? Was it because of remote selling? I’d love to understand what the thinking was there. Or you’ve talked about young reps, was it because you were a junior rep. I’d like to understand why you made that decision?

Larry: This was before COVID. So, we had a junior rep team, and what we figured, what we realized really quickly was that our more experienced sellers, they were great at getting referrals. They were great at generating their own business, and we didn’t need to have the top of funnel segmented where you pass the baton, and it can somewhat lose steam. So, we still had two reps that were focused on lead gen, but they were really specialized. We have one that focused on football and here in the states, college football, is a beast in and of itself. And then we had another rep that was focused on the academic. We had an academic solution because even though it’s called student-athlete, a lot of times in practice it’s athlete-athlete, but we didn’t wanna forget our motto and our theme, and our goal was to empower and engage elite athletes. And with that, we wanna make sure they get the education, they get the degree, so that when that chapter of sports closes, they’re now able to succeed. So, what we found is, “Hey, let’s go ahead and have a super rep, all of our reps can be super reps that drum up their own business, they show value, and then they close deals.” And then as we went into the pandemic, what we found is we weren’t able to get on-site anymore. We were big face to face. We’re out there at the games, we’re cheering them on, and we’re wearing the swag. Well, now it’s a whole new game and we’re virtual, we’re a Brady Bunch style. We got all these boxes on Zoom and all these other teleconferences. So we really had to adapt our methods to get closer to our clients as well as to listen. We always listen, but now we really had to listen and understand what are they going through? We had to put our thinking caps on and think through what is plan B for what’s going on? What is plan C? And what can I add about, we use the term value, but how can I step into their shoes and give them a potential solution? Hey, guess what? Iowa is doing this to fund rates. They’re reaching out to all their former athletes, all their alumni, the ones that didn’t play in the NFL, and they’re soliciting donations of 100, 150, 200. And in return, they’re able to raise XYZ amount of dollars. “Ooh, tell me more. You said that they’re raising money from their non-NFL guys?” “Yes, and here goes what they’re doing with their NFL guys.” “Ooh, tell me more”. When you’re able to get people’s ears perked up and you get them engaged. Woo, you’re now, instead of being a salesman, a saleswoman, you’re now a trusted advisor. You’re now sitting on that side of the table and you’re pretty much, you’re a part of the team, hey. Larry, tell us more. What else do you got?

George: It’s interesting. If you listen really closely, I started the question with the reps you inherited, how long have they been in the business? And you went right to reverse engineering, the customers you were dealing with, and how you could super-serve the customer better, which was how you structured the sales organization. I just wanted to call that out because that’s the right way to do it. You’d structure your sales organization and your go-to customer motions based upon the client’s needs or where the gaps are in that. So, I just wanted our folks at home to pick up that piece. Let’s, if people want more of Larry Long Jr., which why wouldn’t they, how can they reach out to you, Larry? And I think it’s also important to know that you’re doing a lot of keynotes and a lot of training as a part of the gold mic thing. And we’re gonna get pictures of the baseball bat and the gold mic and put them into the speaker notes because we have to have those, but let’s talk a little bit about some of the training and the keynote work that you’re doing.

Keep up with Larry

Larry: I’ve been blessed, George, with so many projects. I just released an online on-demand sales training course. Sales 10: The Basics. Time management, prospecting discovery, demo, pipeline management closing. So, really just unpacking this crazy brain of mine and putting it in bite-sized pieces online. So, that’s one thing. I’m writing two books, I’m a co-author of one book that’s coming out this summer talking about leadership, and then I’m writing my own book, Jolt, to really inspire people to find their inner greatness. But I live and play all day in the sandbox of LinkedIn. I do a mid-week, mid-day motivational minute every Wednesday at 12 noon, Eastern, really inspiring folks. If you watch the news, there’s so much bad news. If you look outside in your neighborhood, there’s some stuff out there that ain’t all too great. So, let’s say I’m playing the part. I’m doing my little part to share some positivity, some rays of sunshine. On Clubhouse, every Friday, I do a positivity on a Friday. I think we’ve done 21 episodes, 21 straight Fridays. So you can see that there’s a common theme here. I’m just passionate about helping people elevate wherever they are today, to that proverbial next level. My wife hates that word, next level. She’s like, “Aw, that’s so generic.” I’m like, “Well, give me a different word that I can use and I’ll use it, but for now, it’s taking people to that next level.”

George: If we could go back in time, and I love asking this question, to a younger Larry Long Jr. And for some weird reason, maybe it says, something happened in the atmosphere, you get to speak to that individual back in the day, and you wanted to leave one lesson so that they wouldn’t make some horrible mistake you’ve already made, what would that one lesson be that you could tell your former self?

Larry: Oh, that’s an easy one. Ask for help. I’ve got a hard head. I’ve got a real hard head and an ego, not a big ego, but it’s one of those things where I wanna figure it, I wanna figure it the freak out on my own. No little Larry, no. Hey, drop the ego, man. You can still be the big dog, but you gotta ask for help. There are so many times throughout my career where I should have dropped the ego, open myself up, and said, “Hey, can you help me?” And looking back at it, hindsight being 2020, I missed out on some excellent opportunities to learn, to grow, and to have success in areas where I just, I said, “Hey, I’m gonna do it alone.” And just bashing my head up against walls, while in my baseball academy and my sales career. It’s like, “No, drop it and ask for help.” So, that would be the one piece of advice I would share with little Larry Long Jr. if I could go back in the future.


George: Larry Long Jr., founder, and CEO of Larry Long, Jr. LLC, can help you with the scaling of your sales organization, the training of your sales organization. If you need some positivity, it’s right here in spades, but also director of Collegiate Sales Teamworks. Larry, really appreciate your time today and the lessons that you’ve shared from your stories, you’re a great storyteller. And if people wanna learn more about Larry, they can do so in our notes and connect with you. So thanks for joining us on the Conquer Local Podcast.

Larry: Thank you, George.

George: I wasn’t kidding, we will get Larry back on the broadcast at some point in time, there’s a lot more there that I’d love to get out of that brain of his, but let’s talk about this episode and a few of the takeaways. 

So first, find something that you’re passionate about, and it took Larry a while to marry his passion for sports and technology and for helping customers. But now that he’s in his sweet spot, you can see that his career has completely taken off. And it’s about going to work every day and doing something that you love, which we’ve talked a lot about that here on this podcast.

Also, if you read between the lines, when he went into his new career, what he didn’t do was, wow, this is the way we’ve always done it, he took a good hard look at how do you super-serve the client. He went back to the customer, which is where we should always be focused if we were in the business of selling and helping clients, and said, “How do I take what I’ve been given and make the best use of it for the needs of the customer?” You also heard Larry, early in the episode, talk about his passion for small business, and that passion to help small businesses came from a misadventure. There’s that old saying, “I don’t fail, I just learn. But usually, great learning comes from failure”. And I love the word misadventure because we all have them. And I think that that, as you heard from Larry, was the moment that he realized that you need to be very well-rounded in your business protocol if you’re going to be successful. And he’s very passionate about helping business people succeed. He doesn’t want anyone else to experience what he went through.

And then finally, I think there was a lot there from Larry about what he would share with his earlier self. And that is, you don’t know everything, and keep that constant learning moving forward. So, I encourage you to follow Larry Long Jr. online, as he continues to release all of this great content. I find it infectious to listen to him. You can’t help but being pumped up after listening to Larry, and we appreciate you coming and joining us on this edition of the Conquer Local Podcast. The conversation continues on the Conquer Local community. You can reach out to Larry and have a chat with him, and we are also looking forward to meeting you online. And we’ve had a number of people that have connected with us on LinkedIn here recently. And I make a point of trying to get back to everybody very quickly, to learn more about what you would like to have in these episodes. So, please keep the feedback coming. We use it as we plan the upcoming episodes of the Conquer Local Podcast. My name is George Leith, I’ll see you when I see you.