356: Emotional Intelligence in Sales, with Jason Forrest

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Episode 356 brings you the importance of emotional intelligence in sales. Low emotional intelligence prevents salespeople from achieving their success potential, impacting many areas of their sales performance.

We bring back an alumni to the Conquer Local Podcast, Mr. Jason Forrest. Jason, CEO of the Forrest Performance Group, is back to talk about his new book: How to Sell Through the Coronavirus, and emotional intelligence in sales. Jason walks through the four attributes of a great salesperson, the GUMP methodology: Goal-oriented, unleashed, motivated, and procedural based.  Having a high level of emotional intelligence in sales allows a salesperson to sense, understand, and effectively apply the power of their own emotions during interactions with buyers to improve sales rather than derail them.

Jason Forrest lives on the leading edge of the sales industry. As a behavioral change expert and maverick entrepreneur. Jason believes the only way to break your sales plateau is to change the way you look at sales completely, that means an extreme focus on pulling the future of sales into the present. His mission is to give every sales professional, manager, and executive the tactical, real-world knowledge so they can remove any limiting beliefs keeping them from breaking their plateaus. In the course of that decades-long mission, Jason’s trained billion-dollar companies and everyone from high-powered CEOs to frontline salespeople to increase their effectiveness by driving more profit. Jason established his speaking and training career as a top 1% sales professional. Still, as he is trained others, he realized something the rest of the training industry had yes to understand: the sales techniques widely taught at conferences and seminars were installing mental limitations in others.

Listen to Jason’s previous episode on the podcast.

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George: We don’t have a lot of repeat guests on the Conquer Local Podcast, but today is one of those repeat guests. Mr. Jason Forrest from the Forrest Performance Group is attending once again to tell us about his new book, How to Sell Through the Coronavirus. We’re gonna talk about his new sales process called GUMP, think Forrest Gump. And I’m sure that we’ll get into some attributes of great salespeople. It was one of our most listened to episodes when we brought Jason Forrest onto the podcast a little over a year ago. And we’re going to bring him back again today to talk about these topics and I’m sure we’ll get into some others. Jason Forrest, the CEO of the Forrest Performance Group, coming up next on the Conquer Local Podcast.

George: It’s another edition of the Conquer Local Podcast and returning to the studio, once again, Jason Forrest. Jason, welcome back. We don’t have a lot of returning guests, so you’re in a very small group of Conquer Local alumni that have been on the show. So welcome back.

Jason: George, thank you for having me. I look forward to having this great conversation, and I got a lot of comments last time on our podcast, and it was shared with many people and of course, the goal of doing this is to help other people but also to get some money back in return. So it actually brought some leads my way too, which was great.

George: Well, we are passionate about helping local sellers and helping them develop their craft, and bringing on an expert like you is always a privilege. Let’s talk, you’ve been writing another book and let’s talk about the new book, How to Sell Through the Coronavirus. Let’s dig into that chunk of meat.

Jason: Yeah. So you can get it on Kindle. It’s super easy. I wrote it basically in two weeks. I wanted to get out it there. 1st of March, I wrote it. Actually, the first week it came out, it was listed as, like the most bought sales book in March, which was exciting. And it’s only a dollar. You can buy it for 99 cents. It’ll take you about an hour to read, a very quick read but, again, I just wanted to be very tactical and give people some specific techniques around mindset process and language on how they can provide certainty during uncertain times.

George: You know what I was thinking of you, that coronavirus hit us here in Canada, maybe a little different than it hit some of the US markets. And I was thinking of your comment that you made on the last broadcast about sales being a mental game. And you wrote this book quickly because you knew there was gonna be salespeople that needed some help. So I’d love to learn more about this quick book. I wish I could write a book quickly, but, and what was the catalyst? Why did you need to solve this problem that you were seeing?

Jason: I did. Yeah, because what was happening on LinkedIn is there are a lot of competitors of mine that were saying things like, “Hey, during these uncertain times, just be there for your families and stop selling and start helping.” I got really offended by that line because that presupposes that if I’m selling you something, I’m not helping you. But in our business, 90%, George, of our clients going into March that were in our full training program. 90% in March and April, they either made or exceeded their sales numbers when their competitors were shutting their doors down. And so I feel like if I have something that can help them then I’m also selling them. And I think that’s great. So I wanted to kind of create a countermeasure and a different statement. And so this is kind of the opening statement. As you know from last time, I’m a master practitioner in neurolinguistic programming. And so this is a good statement people should open the conversation with, and that is the coronavirus will impact your 2020 sales numbers and 2021. It will either cause you to lower your sales forecast or it will create an opportunity for you to gain market share. And so I call those A thoughts and B thoughts right? So immediately if the coronavirus hit and people said, “Oh gosh we’ve gotta lower our forecast because of the coronavirus,” those are A thoughts or average thoughts. If they immediately said, “Hey, what a great opportunity for us to win, gain, steal, market share. Because other companies we compete against are gonna be doing things maybe not as high-class as we could, not as impeccable as we can. And so we can gain market share and use this opportunity.” Well, those are B thoughts, and average thoughts versus baller thoughts. And so I’m telling everyone, we’ve gotta shift from average thinking to baller thinking. You’ve gotta be a baller, George.

George: Well, I remember because my CEO, his office’s right next to mine, everyone else goes home, and we were in the office and it was, you know that he sent out this thing, wartime CEO, and then I was thinking about that, you know wartime sales leader there are two ways that we can approach this and having been through nothing like coronavirus, by the way, but having been through various ups and downs, you either dig your heels in and do your job even better and work even harder and capture the opportunity that’s there, or you go whine in the corner and then wonder why you didn’t hit your targets and maybe get exited, you know that there really are both those things. So I appreciate the A and B thoughts. So when you wrote that book, I’m sure, I’m starting to get to know your mindset pretty well. It really is, again, it’s a mental game. How are you gonna approach it?

Jason: It is a mental game and look, mindset’s everything we’ve always heard of that in the first book we talked about that I wrote last year was the mindset of a sales warrior. And we of course talked about these four types of leashes, self-image, stories, reluctances, and rules, but this is what this is right? So it’s all about the mindset. And you think about another B as-is for ballers. Also Warren Buffett, you know Warren Buffett says be opportunistic when others are fearful and fearful when others are opportunistic. And so to me he has a baller mindset. So in 2019, he had billions of dollars on the sideline because the market was overinflated. Well, he sees this as one big buying opportunity. It’s just a great time to reinvest. And I think it’s important to label things. If we label things properly or reframe them, it can tame them in our mind. And so the definition of a market for me, or an economy, is in a good market, it just means that it’s socially acceptable to buy something. So if someone’s thinking about investing in whatever product or service you’re selling, if it’s a good market, they go to their friends and family, their colleagues, their CFO, and they say, “Hey, I wanna invest in blank.” Well, if it’s a good market it’s socially acceptable to do that. Great idea, we should invest, right? If it’s a tough market or uncertain market, it’s just not socially acceptable. And so the message that I put in the book, as I said, the first strategy you have to do as a salesperson is when you’re talking to a prospect, they’re looking for permission to buy. In 2019, they got the majority of that permission from their friends and family. And they only got a little bit from the salesperson, the sales warrior. In 2020, they get zero permission from their friends and family on investing in whatever you’re selling. So you have to be the primary source of permission to get them to buy. That’s how it shifted in 2020.


GUMP: Salespeople Attributes – Goal-Oriented

George: So we are now how many months into this thing, we’re four or five months into it. And I know that when you land on your LinkedIn page you are helping to build out sales organizations. And we wanted to get you on the show to learn a few more items. You have four attributes of a great salesperson. Let’s cover those off to start with.

Jason: Sure. So think of my name, Jason Forrest. So think of Forrest Gump, like the movie. “Run, Forrest, run!” Right? Forrest Gump. So GUMP is an acronym: G stands for goal-oriented, U stands for unleashed, M stands for motivated, and P stands for procedural based. So let’s go for the first one. So goal-oriented. So a goal-oriented salesperson wakes up every morning and they say, here’s who my target accounts are. Here’s who I’m going after. Here’s why I’m going after them. Here’s my strategy. Here’s how I’m gonna do it. Here’s how I’m gonna pursue them, and here’s where I’m stuck that I might need additional assistance on. Unfortunately, that’s a very rare population where people wake up like that. And the real hunter warriors that go after, and know what they’re going after. Unfortunately, most salespeople right now are kind of waiting on someone to call them or waiting on the customer to fall back or follow up with them versus them being proactive, and here’s who I’m going after. Or they’re waiting on their manager to tell them who they’re supposed to go after. “Hey, salesperson, go call ABC company and see what’s going on.” They’re waiting. And so we’ve gotta be G for goal-oriented. You agree with that?

George: Absolutely. I’m 100% on board. And, you know in your experience, what percentage have this skill? You mentioned it off the top.

Jason: Yeah. So, I would say 20%, 30%, I mean there’s it, the goal clarity score. We actually have an assessment that can measure this prospecting goal level. And unfortunately, the average salesperson right now has about a 50 goal level out of a hundred. A top producer warrior has about an 85 out of a hundred. So that’s the difference between the average and the top, is that 85% of the time they’re waking up thinking here’s who I’m going after. Versus the average is more like 50% of the time. And I think that 50% of the time is probably towards the last week of the month when they’re not making their quota. And they’ve gotta figure out what they’re gonna do to pay their bills that month, you know?

George: Absolutely. If you have the deals coming in at the end of the month with a wrap, they haven’t done the work previously to get that pipeline spread out. 


GUMP: Salespeople Attributes – Unleashed

George: Okay. So now we’re gonna go to the next item in your GUMP formula, that we talked about on the last episode where you talked about the leashes. So let’s explain unleashed to those who didn’t hear your last episode.

Jason: So real quickly. So definitely everyone I’m sure we’ll put a link to the last podcast in there, so people can check that in more detail, but U stands for unleashed. There are four types of leashes. A leash is nothing more than a mental charge or resistance or limiting belief that keeps a person from executing. So for example, we’ll take the coronavirus right now. So a leash would be, so why aren’t you making your quota? Well, they would have a self-image. Well, I don’t really feel confident selling during an unhealthy time, like the coronavirus. I feel it’s not a cool thing to go talk about money and business when people are sick, that’s a self-image thing. Story: well I already tell you right now, this company that I’m prospecting right now, they’re failing. There’s no way they can afford what we’re offering. That’s a story. Reluctance, I don’t wanna come across as so pushy trying to get them to do something right now during this time. And then last rule, which is what I’m seeing a lot right now, and the rule is, Jason, my business is all face-to-face and it’s just, I can’t sell over Zoom. I can’t sell over Google Meets, over Teams. I can’t sell over that. And so what am I supposed to do? Well, I don’t know. You’re gonna go broke, waiting for that thing to have your travel to increase, right? So that’s the rule.

George: And you know let’s talk about that last one because our listeners and the people who have been subscribing to the podcast because of our legacy as an organization starting in the media business, media was sold face-to-face and with a steak dinner and concert tickets. And that was the way that it was done. And speaking to some of my friends that lead sales organizations, that rule of I have to be face to do my job, has been a big part of why revenue is down so dramatically because they need to get their heads around this working remote. It has to be done this way because the client doesn’t want you in their building.

Jason: Yeah. So here’s the way as I kind of break that rule down, is number one, I tell them my own personal story, and that is in my 10 years of running a training company, I can only think of three deals, three six-figure deals that I flew out and did board presentations for live, only three. So my entire business that I’ve scaled over the last 10 years, the fastest-growing sales training company for the last five years on “Inc.” magazine. They were all done over the phone or over Zoom and so forth. So one, there’s evidence to prove that opposite. The second thing is that when I was coaching that sales rep, I would just say, well, how do you know that to be true? Like, where’s the evidence to prove that? Have you ever sold anything not being face-to-face? Have you ever lost a sale for a competitor that wasn’t face-to-face and you were waiting to get face-to-face? So again, we just make up these, we make up these rules.


GUMP: Salespeople Attributes – Motivation

George: Now we get to the next item. Motivation.

Jason: Perfect. So, George, motivation’s not necessarily what we all think of it as it relates to prospecting, it’s the energy a person has to prospect to achieve their goals. So first they have to have high goals, but then they have to have the energy to actually go pick up the phone and go do the work. So for example, like today. Today I got a LinkedIn message saying that we have a lot of LinkedIn prospecting. And someone said to me, “Yep, I’m interested. I’m a venture capitalist. And I have a CBD company and I want to bring a sales force in for that, can you help me?” I immediately picked up the phone and got on my Seamless. So I have an AI technology. Seamless is awesome, where I can get exactly their phone number. And I immediately call the cell phone. And I started talking to the guy. Well, I had the motivation to do it. Versus a lot of people, they would maybe get around to that, or eventually, get around to that, put it on their to-do list. Or they would send an email back saying, “Hey, here’s some times that I can talk,” waiting for the person to respond. So it’s the energy that you have to get the job done. And that’s the key, is how much energy you have. In today’s environment, I will tell you from a research perspective the coronavirus has killed motivation levels for salespeople across the world because they’re using whatever energy they have to cope with the uncertainty of the coronavirus and what they’re dealing with right now. So after, so let’s say they start off with 80 units of energy out of a hundred. Well, they’re using 30 or 40 of that to deal with their uncertainty of the coronavirus. So they only have now like 40 or 50 units of motivation to actually make their goals. So it’s a pretty tough time, but we can actually cure that. There are ways to increase motivation.

George: Yeah. and the word that comes to mind is grinding. and seeing that grind and having those individuals on the sales floor, or that you’re using to help motivate you, because you know what, the one thing I know about you is, what you’re not saying is, it is a thing. It is something that you need to deal with, but you need to figure out a way to get by it so that you can… If you didn’t pick that phone up and waited three or four days, somebody else might’ve got that deal. And I think you always have that progressive approach but helping the reps to get through that and have that motivation. Let’s go to procedural-

Jason: Well sorry. One last thing on that too is that, and you and I both know, George, is that when you send a web form out to Vendasta or anyone else that says, “Hey, I’m interested in your product or service.” Well, that buying unit, that CEO or that person that’s wanting to be interested, is interested in that very moment. Right? Well, about 10 minutes later they’re on to some other thing that they’re interested in, right? And so you have like a window… I’d always say, the window is closing. So that lead is interested. You have about a five-minute window and then they’re totally interested in something else. And so you’ve gotta call right now.

George: But I sent my meeting scheduler link, Jason, and they’ll find room in my calendar.

Jason: Doesn’t work.


GUMP: Salespeople Attributes – Procedure-Based

George: Well, thank you that you’re saying that and I’m not the only one. Let’s go to procedure-based.

Jason: Okay. So from an NLP perspective, there are all these meta patterns in the way that our brain is laid out and wired. So one of the meta patterns is called option based versus procedural based. So if you were to go ask your sales team right now or any person and you say, “Hey, so tell me about your sales process.” Like, what is your sales process? If they respond back, well, it depends on the situation, every customer is different, they are an option based salesperson. The problem is that the most successful companies are run based on procedures. So at Vendasta, the reason why you guys scale and the reason you’re so successful, is you have a set of black and white standard operating procedures that you run every department by finance, accounting, operations, system, R&D, whatever it is. The mistake people make is they make sales the exception to the procedural rule and they go, no, sales is more of an art. So we’re gonna let them do their every customer is different game versus everyone else is gonna have a procedure. Could you imagine if you went to your investors and they said, “Hey, tell me about your procedures. How are you running the business? Tell me about how you run meetings?” And what if you said? “Well, it just, we just kind of take it day by day, and it just kind of depends on the day.” Like they would pull the money from you, George.

George: Yeah. That’s not gonna be a comfortable board meeting. Let me tell you that much. I’m a big believer in having process and procedure, but Jason, you’re taking away my personality. I like to have my personality in the call when I’m dealing with a client, what do you say when you hear that from a rep?

Jason: Sure. So I always tell people, look, the debate’s always, is sales science or art? What I always tell people is sales is a very solid science that you must nail. And then you add your art to it. That’s what I call your X-factor advantage. That’s your unique brand that makes you different. The mistake though is, think about it this way, if Michelangelo who created the David statue, if he did not master science, we would have the ugliest-ass David on the planet. But because he knew the science, he was able to create amazing art. Correct?

George: It is beautiful. It’s stunning. I wanted to know what it was all about and went there to Florence and saw it. And I’m like, okay, I get it. It’s pretty cool.

Jason: So did I. But think about it. If he did not know human anatomy. So he is not an artist. He is a science that happens to also be a great artist. And that’s the mistake that salespeople make is they go no no no, I just wanna do my own personality. It’s all about art for me. And then they’re going to have sloppy art. So it has to be science first and then you build your art on top of it.


Emotional Intelligence is Everything

George: One of the things that were the precursor to getting you back on the show was we were looking for some of your expertise around this emotional intelligence thing that we’re hearing so much about. And we’re trying to find great salespeople. We’re trying to build great salespeople. How important is emotional intelligence to that competency that a salesperson needs to have?

Jason: Well, it’s everything. I mean so I would actually say emotional intelligence would be synonymous to my version of it, which is the four types of leashes of self-image, stories, reluctances, and rules, because your emotional intelligence, your EQ, is your ability or your capability to handle the emotional charges in your life. So a term in psychology that I talked about in the mindset book is your locus of control. So that’s a psychological term for a person who has a higher locus of control or a larger locus of control. A bigger capacity. Says that I am the master of my domain. I am in control of my life. And versus a low locus of control is, no, no. My income is dependent upon my sales territory, my number of leads that I have, my marketing channel, my product that I sell, my economy, my market, the coronavirus, that’s a low locus of control, therefore low emotional intelligence. The other thing that I would say about that too, is that look, during uncertain times, customers want to buy from certainty because from a masculine and feminine perspective we’re all searching for the same thing. From the masculine perspective, we’re searching for freedom, from the feminine perspective, we’re searching for peace, but in all human beings, when it comes down deep into it, we all want the same thing, which is freedom and peace. So as a sales professional, as a sales warrior, if I can dial in my emotional intelligence and I can hold a place of presence and certainty and claim, and then what happens is, when I’m talking to a person that transmits over to them and gives them that necessary certainty, that will lead them to freedom and peace, which will cause them to be a buyer for you.

George: And, you know, is this something that we can just find where people have this emotional intelligence, or is it something that’s taught?

Jason: Great. So remember, there’s a difference between ability and capability. So capability is ability through time. So capability is ability through time. So think of it as I currently right now could do a hundred pushups without stopping. Okay. So that’s what I see I can do at this moment. That’s my ability at this moment. Right? But if I practice and I did more pushups every single day, well, technically I could be capable of even doing more. So we don’t really know how capable I am of how many pushups I can do. We just know what I currently can do which is more my current ability. Okay. So the answer is yes, you 100% can train it. But what I would always tell people is that’s why we have this warrior selling recruiting program, where we will go find you, the most emotionally intelligent leash-free fearless sales warrior, that has already these muscles dialed in. So they can be successful for you in the beginning. And then we will also increase their muscle or their capability, their EQ through our 90-day sales training program. So people can do anything as long as they have enough goal clarity and motivation to do it.


90-Day Sales Training

George: It’s interesting, we’re in the middle of an expansion of our internal sales organization. You know we have these investors, you were just talking about them. They’ve said we’re going to invest some more dollars to keep growing the organization. And we have really dialed in the interview process. And the other thing with COVID is, you know there are sales professionals that have been displaced and sad to see that, but they’re there’s some very, very good talent out there. And I think what you’re saying is if we pay more attention to the interview process and the scorecard that we’re using on a candidate and find somebody that has the right tenets, we’re gonna have a more successful rep when we start training them. And getting those core competencies is what your new program is all about. That you’ve been that you’ve talked about on your LinkedIn profile.

Jason: Yeah. So very simple. We basically disrupted the sales recruiting business by combining a recruiting company and an assessment company and a training company into one. So the first thing we do for you, George, is you would give us a slate of your top producers. Then we would use third-party behavioral-based assessments to measure their GUMP, their Goal-oriented, Unleashed, Motivated, Procedural-based. Then we would take that. Then, my recruiters, I’ve developed through my thousand hours of NLP, I’ve developed neuro-linguistic hiring questions to make sure they have the right meta patterns, the connections to their brain wiring to make sure they’re the right mindset of a sales warrior. Then we hand you those people that are a culture fit, that are equal to, or better than your top. So top-grading your people and then put them through a very extensive 90-day sales training program to make sure they’ve got the process script language dialed in, as well as teaching them to prospect and get in front of more people.

George: So for listeners of the podcast that are looking to either build or expand their sales organization or maybe they’re building their very first one, working with you and your company is an option to build out that sales group.

Jason: Well, it’s not only an option but it’s the cheaper option, which sounds crazy. But I’ll tell you right now, our flat rate is $20,500. Everyone else charges 25% to 30% that doesn’t include the assessments and doesn’t have the 90-day sales training program built-in. If a company was to do it themselves, then you’re talking about 60 to 70 grand over 90 days, and we take the hourly wage of a sales manager, let’s say it’s $150,000, divide that up over the 40 hours it takes to interview, plus all of the onboarding they have to do to spend time with that actual person versus focused on B and A reps, helping them sell more. So there’s a huge opportunity cost involved when it comes to that, as well as any kind of training and so forth that they’re obviously doing, the Indeed ads, the LinkedIn ads, all the sourcing, everything that goes on. So it’s about 60 to 70 grand. And if the person doesn’t make it then they gotta start back over and they lost that 60, 70 grand versus us. We do it, we just replace them for free. So ours is 20 grand, $20,500 is a steal. It’s a great deal.

George: Well, and we, you know we see more and more organizations that are realizing that when you do take that in, I’m glad that you brought it up. You take that sales leader, who’s working with the A and B performers, trying to make the Bs, As and trying to keep the As being As, and say here’s a team of five new reps, go over there and train them. The opportunity cost far outweighs what it might to bring somebody in, like your organization. Now you folks who are at the top of the game, and you’ve been doing this for a while, not only do you get upset when other sales leaders do things like, oh stop helping. And that comment you made off the top. But also this is what you guys do every day, is sales performance and bringing the right people in. And so talk a little bit about the process if someone were interested, what’s their next step? They reach out to you on LinkedIn, like that last lead just did? Or how would they get a hold of your organization?

Jason: Sure. So just email me, jason@fpg.com and you’ll know immediately, I’ll personally talk to you, or I’ll hand you over to one of my sales warriors that can have the conversation. Very simple. It’s a very simple process. you say you wanted to get going. And then my recruiting company, my recruiting side immediately starts working with you, understanding your compensation, understands you, we will create the job description for you, ’cause it, the job, it sounds crazy, but even the job descriptions companies are messing up. So for example, if your job description right now says something like, “Hey, if you’re the type of person that would like to have flexible hours and work-life balance and the ability to make six figures, come work for us,” you’re gonna hire an option-based nondisciplined salesperson. So my job ads say, “If you’re the type of person that has the discipline to follow a step-by-step proven sales process, that will always lead to a six-figure income, if followed properly, come work for us.” Right? So just that alone will detract the option-based salespeople, the non-goal-oriented leash salespeople. And they will only attract the ones that are serious warriors. So just even that kind of stuff this again, it’s all we do. Our warrior selling program, again, just got listed as number two in the world, beating out Sandler, and everyone, all the different sales organizations, we weed them out. So it’s not just they’re learning, getting an onboarding process, they’re getting listed number two in the world.

George: But Jason, I always enjoy speaking to you ’cause I get fired up. You’re a great motivator and you’ve built out a hell of a program and it makes a lot of sense.



George: I know that our listeners will appreciate the insights that you’ve given them today. And Coleen’s gonna make sure she puts all of the links so that if people wanna reach out to you and talk more about this program, they can do. And thanks for making some of your very valuable time available to our listeners here on the Conquer Local Podcast.

Jason: Thank you, George. I look forward to coming back. I have plenty more to talk about.

George: Well, the coronavirus and what COVID-19 did to sales is something that Jason wanted to jump on quickly and I’m glad he got right to the point that it really is a mental game. And we covered off those items, but then we got into this, you know the GUMP formula, Goal, Unleashed, the Motivation portion and then the Procedure-based. And you can see that Jason, of course, is all about the acronyms and his processes, but then when he starts to explain the steps he does a really good job of keeping it very simple. And I found it, if I was going to lead a sales meeting, I could take just that GUMP piece and make a nice little opener for the sales meeting, or if I was working with a sales manager and we could talk about those four attributes of a great salesperson and remind that manager that they should work with the reps on one of those items. I am always fascinated by the thought process that goes into some of Jason’s programs. And now this idea that we could get a company like that to do the recruitment and the onboarding and to guarantee it? Money-back guarantee? That’s actually a really interesting thing because I know that when you’re recruiting and you’re onboarding and you’re training, gives me, I get a little bit of anxiety thinking about it because there are all sorts of opportunities to waste money or maybe have some trial and error in there if you don’t have it really buttoned up. So we appreciate Jason joining us. He’s got this great new book and we’re gonna put the link in the notes so that you can download it, How to Sell Through the Coronavirus, and get some of that wisdom that Jason brings to the table. Jason Forrest, CEO of the Forrest Performance Group joining us again on the Conquer Local Podcast. And we appreciate his time. The Conquer Local community is where you could ask a question, of Jason or any of our other guests. It’s at ConquerLocal.com/community. And you can come in there and ask questions of our guests or to give producer Colleen and myself ideas on future episodes, things that you would like us to cover, or maybe even suggest somebody that you’d like us to speak to on the podcast. We’re looking for your feedback, and the community is the number one place that you can speak to our team or any of our guests. Thanks for joining us this week. Another edition of the Conquer Local Podcast. My name is George Leith. I’ll see you when I see you.