Module 1, Lesson 1
In Progress

Test lesson H5P

Digital Solutions for Local Businesses

Technology has revolutionized how small and medium businesses (SMBs) operate. They need to have a gateway to their products and services (their website), manage reviews about them online (reputation management), and successfully market to their target audience (social marketing). They need help finding the right products and services to help them do all these things, and more. 

Welcome to our end-to-end platform:

In the video below, watch Vendasta CEO, Brendan King, explain why local business owners look to experts such as yourself (we do not sell directly to SMBs) – to help them manage their business and reach their goals:

Small to medium business owners face a myriad of problems at every stage along the journey of a potential customer. These solutions are often siloed and complex, and they need help.

The Vendasta Ecosystem helps you better serve small to medium businesses (SMBs) all in one place.

Next: How do you build out a product package and position your solution set? Along the customer journey, which we will explore next. 

The Customer Journey

Let’s talk about those often siloed digital solutions and why your clients need a solid set of digital products and services now more than ever. 

The way consumers shop for goods has transformed. The path to purchase has expanded to include decisions made outside of each purchase. From reputation, to online listings and building relationships through social; this is where your solution set comes in.

Transform the way consumers interact with your brand by moving them from awareness to advocacy. With our platform, you can package together solutions for every step of the customer journey.

Let’s explore the Modern Customer Journey:

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